

2021年 組織診及び細胞診検体数


組織診件数 9626(うち 術中迅速 618)
細胞診件数 7579(うち 術中迅速 328)


病理診断科・病理部 2021年研究業績
1. 論文


  • Tominaga T,* Nonaka T, Fukuda A, Moriyama M, Oyama S, Ishii M, Sawai T, Okano S, Nagayasu T. Pathological complete response to pembrolizumab in patients with metastatic ascending colon cancer with microsatellite instability.Clin J Gastroenterol, 2021, PMID: 34708305.
  • Imaizumi T, Matsuda K, Tanaka K, Kondo H, Ueki N, Kurohama H, Otsubo C, Matsuoka Y, Akazawa Y, Miura S, Nakashima M.* Detection of Endogenous DNA Double-strand Breaks in Oral Squamous Epithelial Lesions by P53-binding Protein 1. Anticancer Res, 41(10), 4771-4779, 2021, PMID: 34593426.
  • Kutsuna F, Yamashita K, Kanamoto T, Kurohama H, Tateishi Y,* Tsujino A. [Nonrecanalization after mechanical thrombectomy in acute ischemic stroke due to infective endocarditis: an autopsy case]. Rinsho Shinkeigaku, 61(10), 671-675, 2021, PMID: 34565752.
  • Ohnita K,* Higashi S, Hirai S, Kuwahara A, Kakigao K, Nakashiki S, Inoue K, Kurohama H, Nakashima M, Nakao K. Esophageal metastasis of renal cell carcinoma resected by endoscopic submucosal dissection: a case report. BMC Gastroenterol, 21(1), 348, 2021, PMID: 34544382.
  • Horai Y,* Nakamura H, Shimizu T, Nishihata S, Iwamoto N, Kuroki T, Okano S, Kawakami A. Increased Expression of the lncRNA NRON along with NFATc1/PIM-1 in Labial Salivary Glands of Sjögren’s Syndrome Patients. Appl Immunohistochem Mol Morphol, 29(10), 734-740, 2021, PMID: 34261974.
  • Kurohama H, Matsuda K, Kishino M, Yoshino M, Yamaguchi Y, Matsuu-Matsuyama M, Kondo H, Mitsutake N, Kinoshita A, Yoshiura KI, Nakashima M.* Comprehensive analysis for detecting radiation-specific molecules expressed during radiation-induced rat thyroid carcinogenesis. J Radiat Res, 62 (Suppl 1), i78-i87, 2021, PMID: 33978177.
  • Akagi K,* Matsutake T, Fukushima K, Mukae H, Kurohama H, Matsumoto H. A refractory pleural effusion caused by a pleural capillary hemangioma. Respir Med Case Rep, 33, 101384, 2021, PMID: 33763325.
  • Luong TMH, Matsuda K, Niino D, Kurohama H, Ito M, Nakashima M.* Significance of abnormal 53BP1 expression as a novel molecular pathologic parameter of follicular-shaped B-cell lymphoid lesions in human digestive tract. Sci Rep, 11(1), 3074, 2021, PMID: 33542453. Author Correction, PMID: 34108607.
  • Kawashita S, Matsuda K, Matsuwaki T, Kurohama H, Ito M, Kishikawa M, Miura K, Nakashima M.* Cervical Superficially Invasive Squamous Cell Carcinoma With Supraclavicular Lymph Node Metastasis: A Case Report. Int J Gynecol Pathol, 40(1), 78-83, 2021, PMID: 32897965.
  • Ikeda T,* Okano S, Hashimoto N, Kimura K, Kudo K, Tsutsumi R, Sasaki S, Kawasaki J, Miyashita Y, Wada H. Histomorphological investigation of intrahepatic connective tissue for surgical anatomy based on modern computer imaging analysis. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci, 28(1), 76-85, 2021, PMID: 32697892.


  • 新山 侑生, 古本 嵩文, 加藤 丈晴, 藤岡 真知子, 澤山 靖, 佐藤 信也, 安東 恒史, 芦田 美輪, 太田 祐樹, 石本 裕士, 井川 敬, 新野 大介, 今泉 芳孝, 大島 孝一, 岡野 慎士, 宮崎 泰司.モガムリズマブ併用化学療法を施行した全身性強皮症合併成人T細胞白血病・リンパ腫.長崎医学会雑誌 96(3), 168-173, 2021.
  • 藤瀬 悠太、富永 哲郎、野中 隆、濱崎 景子、荒井 淳一、黒濵 大和、永安 武.5-FU単剤化学療法にて12か月PR維持中の虫垂goblet cell carcinoid再発の1例.日本臨床外科学会雑誌 82(9), 1704-1708, 2021.
  • 宮下 優, 池田 哲夫, 岡野 慎士, 神藤 英二, 是久 翔太郎, 沖 英次, 上野 秀樹, 小田 義直, 森 正樹.大腸癌神経周囲侵襲病巣における浸潤形態の3次元的検討.日本大腸肛門病学会雑誌 74(5), 344, 2021.
  • 溝口 太郎,* 平山 三国, 今泉 利信, 山田 明希, 田中 圭, 大館 拓真, 山形 真祐美, 岡野 慎士. 各種脱灰液がFISH法に及ぼす影響. 医学検査 70 (Suppl), 423, 2021.
  • 黒濱 大和, 松田 勝也, 本山 高啓, ムサジャノワ・ジャンナ, 大坪 智恵子, 松岡 優毅, 進藤 久和, 山下 弘幸, 中島 正洋. 腫瘍内不均一性のみられる甲状腺Well-differentiated carcinoma(WDC)、NOSの1例. 日本病理学会会誌 110(1), 326-327, 2021.
  • 大坪 智恵子, 松岡 優毅, 黒濱 大和, 上木 望, 松田 勝也, ムサジャノワ・ジャンナ, 赤澤 祐子, 谷岡 真司, 山根 裕介, 中島 正洋. 腎Clear cell sarcomaの鑑別に難渋した腎malignant rhabdoid tumorの1例. 日本病理学会会誌 110(1) , 345, 2021.
  • 浦野 佳奈, 松田 勝也, 清水 智貴, 高田 奈美, 黒濱 大和, ムサジャノワ・ジャンナ, Sailaubekova Yerkezhan, 佐藤 伸也, 山下 弘幸, 中島 正洋. 結節内結節型良性甲状腺結節の分子病理学的特徴解析. 日本病理学会会誌 110(1), 375, 2021.
  • 清水 智貴, 松田 勝也, 高田 奈美, 黒濱 大和, Mussazhanova Zhanna, Sailaubekova Yerkezhan, 大坪 千恵子, 佐藤 伸也, 山下 弘幸, 中島 正洋. 結節内結節を伴う甲状腺良性結節の53BP1発現による分子病理学的特徴解析.日本内分泌学会雑誌 96(4), 1170, 2021.
  • 森本 美智, 新井 英之, 戸村 秀志, 桑野 克久, 鳥越 健太, 溝田 貴光, 溝上 明成, 黒濱 大和, 中島 正洋, 太田 祐樹, 西野 友哉. 可逆性後頭葉白質脳症、血栓性微小血管障害症ならびに腎機能障害で発症した高血圧緊急症の経過中に尿細管間質性腎炎を認めた1例.日本内科学会雑誌 110(3), 605 – 611, 2021.
  • 忽那 史也, 山下 魁理, 金本 正, 松岡 隆太郎, 林 信孝, 平山 拓朗, 太田 理絵, 島 智秋, 長岡 篤志, 吉村 俊祐, 宮崎 禎一郎, 黒濱 大和, 中島 正洋, 松永 祐希, 堀江 信貴, 出雲 剛, 立石 洋平, 辻野 彰. 感染性心内膜炎による脳梗塞への脳血栓回収術が奏功しなかった1剖検例. 臨床神経学 61(1), 70, 2021.


  • 岡野慎士, 馬場秀夫, 牧山明資:ビラフトビ・メクトビWebライブセミナー記録冊子.小野薬品工業株式会社


  • 岡野慎士. 免疫チェックポイント阻害剤を用いたがん免疫複合療法の現状と展望. 長崎市医師会報 55 (10別冊), 86-89, 2021.
2. 学会発表
  • 大坪 竜太, 松本 恵, 馬場 雅之, 田中 彩, 中路 啓太, 堀江 一郎, 黒濱 大和, 岡野 慎士, 永安 武. 先端巨大症に中毒性多結節性甲状腺腫を合併した一例. 日本内分泌外科学会雑誌 38 (Suppl 2), S287-S287, 2021. 10月
  • 岩野 佑介, 筒井 伸, 上谷 雅孝, 芦澤 和人, 土谷 智史, 永安 武, 岡野 慎士. 経過を追えたCiliated muconodular papillary tumorの2切除例.日本医学放射線学会秋季臨床大会抄録集, 57回, S448, 2021.8月
  • 福本 将之, 原 貴信, 曽山 明彦, 足立 智彦, 田中 貴之, 松島 肇, 日高 匡章, 金高 賢悟, 岡野 慎士, 江口 晋: HCCと併存した肝原発MALTリンパ腫の1例.日本消化器外科学会総会抄録集, 76回, P088-5 , 2021.7月
  • 宮崎 優美,* 平山 三国, 今泉 利信, 山田 明希, 田中 圭, 大館 拓真, 黒濱 大和, 岡野 慎二, 診断に苦慮した腎ラブドイド腫瘍の1例. 日本医学検査学会抄録集 70回, 一般演題 病理226, 2021.5月
  • 大館 拓真,* 平山 三国, 今泉 利信, 田中 圭, 山田 明希, 山形 真祐美, 穴見 正信, 立花 由梨, 岸川 正大, 岡野 慎士. 腹水中に見られたPlasmablastic lymphomaの一例.日本臨床細胞学会雑誌 60 (Suppl 1), 237, 2021.5月
3. 科研費
  • 口腔扁平上皮癌患者の口腔内細菌叢Dysbiosis同定と革新的癌複合免疫療法開発 日本学術振興会 科学研究費助成事業 基盤研究(C) 2020年4月 - 2023年3月 岡野 慎士, 田中 芳彦, 池邉 哲郎, 坂上 竜資, 平木 昭光, 橋本 憲一郎, 吉永 泰周, 吉住 潤子, 池田 哲夫, 前原 喜彦
4. これまでの代表的な臨床病理学的業績
  • Okano S, Lobosky M, Dessoffy R, Horvath DJ, Fukamachi K, Karimov JH.* Anti-clogging mechanisms of motion-activated chest tube patency maintenance system: Histology and high-speed camera assessment report. Artif Organs, in press, 2020, IF: 2.30, PMID: 32437592.
  • Sudo S, Kajiya H,* Okano S, Sasaki M, Katsumata Y, Ohno J, Ikebe T, Hiraki A, Okabe K. Cisplatin-induced programmed cell death ligand-2 expression is associated with metastasis ability in oral squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Sci, 111 (4), 1113-1123, 2020, IF: 4.89, PMID: 32012401.
  • Imai D, Yoshizumi T,* Okano S, Itoh S, Ikegami T, Harada N, Aishima S, Oda Y, Maehara Y. IFN-γ Promotes Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition and the Expression of PD-L1 in Pancreatic Cancer. J Surg Res. 240, 115-123, 2019, IF: 1.87, PMID: 30927618.
  • Okano S,* Abu-Elmagd K, Kish DD, Keslar K, Baldwin WM 3rd, Fairchild RL,Fujiki M, Khanna A, Osman M, Costa G, Fung J, Miller C,Kayashima H,Hashimoto K. Myeloid-derived suppressor cells increase and inhibit donor-reactive T cell responses to graft intestinal epithelium in intestinal transplant patients. Am J Transplant, 18 (10), 2544-2558, 2018, IF: 6.26, PMID: 29509288.
  • Korehisa S, Oki E,* Iimori M, Nakaji Y, Shimokawa M, Saeki H, Okano S, Oda Y, Maehara Y. Clinical significance of programmed cell death-ligand 1 expression and the immune microenvironment at the invasive front of colorectal cancers with high microsatellite instability. Int J Cancer, 142 (4), 822-832, 2018, IF: 5.07, PMID: 29044503.
  • Takada K, Okamoto T,* Shoji F, Shimokawa M, Akamine T, Takamori S, Katsura M, Suzuki Y, Fujishita T, Toyokawa G, Morodomi Y, Okano S, Oda Y, Maehara Y. Clinical Significance of PD-L1 Protein Expression in Surgically Resected Primary Lung Adenocarcinoma. J Thorac Oncol. 11 (11), 1879-1890, 2016, IF: 6.71, PMID: 27346415.
  • Shimamatsu S, Okamoto T,* Haro A, Kitahara H, Kohno M, Morodomi Y, Tagawa T., Okano S, Oda Y, Maehara Y. Prognostic Significance of Expression of the Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition-Related Factor Brachyury in Intrathoracic Lymphatic Spread of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. Ann Surg Oncol. 23 (Suppl 5), 1012-1020, 2016, IF: 3.78, PMID: 27600618.
  • Ito S,* Okano S, Morita M, Saeki H, Tsutsumi S, Tsukihara H, Nakashima Y, Ando K, Imamura Y, Ohgaki K, Oki E, Kitao H, Mimori K, Maehara Y. Expression of PD-L1 and HLA Class I in Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma: Prognostic Factors for Patient Outcome. Ann Surg Oncol, 23 (Suppl 4), 508-515, 2016, IF: 3.78, PMID: 27380638.
  • Tsutsumi S, Saeki H,* Nakashima Y, Ito S, Oki E, Morita M, Oda Y, Okano S, Maehara Y. Programmed death-ligand 1 expression at tumor invasive front is associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition and poor prognosis in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma. Cancer Sci, 108 (6), 1119-1127, 2017, IF: 4.89, PMID: 28294486.
  • Imai D, Yoshizumi T, Okano S,* Uchiyama H, Ikegami T, Harimoto N, Itoh S, Soejima Y, Aishima S, Oda Y, Maehara Y. The prognostic impact of programmed cell death ligand 1 and human leukocyte antigen class I in pancreatic cancer. Cancer Med, 6 (7), 1614-1626, 2017, IF: 3.46, PMID: 28602029.
  • Ikeda S, Okamoto T,* Okano S, Umemoto Y, Tagawa T., Morodomi Y, Kohno M, Shimamatsu S, Kitahara H, Suzuki Y, Fujishita T, Maehara Y. PD-L1 Is Upregulated by Simultaneous Amplification of the PD-L1 and JAK2 Genes in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. J Thorac Oncol, 11(1), 62-71, 2016, IF: 6.71, PMID: 26762740.
  • Zhu L, Okano S, Takahara M, Chiba T, Tu Y, Oda Y, Furue M.* Expression of S100 protein family members in normal skin and sweat gland tumors. J Dermatol Sci, 70(3), 211-9, 2013, IF: 4.01, PMID: 23623205.
  • Fukuhara T,* Taketomi A, Motomura T, Okano S, Ninomiya A, Abe T, Uchiyama H, Soejima Y, Shirabe K, Matsuura Y, Maehara Y. Variants in IL28B in liver recipients and donors correlate with response to peg-interferon and ribavirin therapy for recurrent hepatitis C. Gastroenterology, 139 (5), 1577-1585, 2010, IF: 15.13, PMID: 20708617.
  • Yamada H,* Kaibara N, Okano S, Maeda T, Shuto T, Nakashima Y, Okazaki K, Iwamoto Y. Interleukin-15 selectively expands CD57+ CD28- CD4+ T cells, which are increased in active rheumatoid arthritis. Clin Immunol, 124 (3), 328-335, 2007, IF: 3.36, PMID: 17644042.
5. これまでの代表的な基礎病理学的業績
  • Okano S, Lobosky M, Dessoffy R, Horvath DJ, Fukamachi K, Karimov JH.* Anti-clogging mechanisms of motion-activated chest tube patency maintenance system: Histology and high-speed camera assessment report. Artif Organs, in press, 2020, IF: 2.30, PMID: 32437592.
  • Hiramoto T, Tahara M, Liao J, Soda Y, Miura Y, Kurita R, Hamana H, Inoue K, Kohara H, Miyamoto S, Hijikata Y, Okano S, Yamaguchi Y, Oda Y, Ichiyanagi K, Toh H, Sasaki H, Kishi H, Ryo A, Muraguchi A, Takeda M, Tani K.* Non-transmissible MV Vector With Segmented RNA Genome Establishes Different Types of iPSCs From Hematopoietic Cells. Mol Ther. 28 (1), 129-141, 2020, IF: 8.40, PMID: 31677955.
  • Ikawa-Yoshida A, Matsumoto T,* Okano S, Aoyagi Y, Matsubara Y, Furuyama T, Nakatsu Y, Tsuzuki T, Onimaru M, Ohkusa T, Nomura M, Maehara Y. BubR1 Insufficiency Impairs Liver Regeneration in Aged Mice after Hepatectomy through Intercalated Disc Abnormality. Sci Rep, 26(6), 32399, 2016, IF: 4.12, PMID: 27561386.
  • Sugiyama M, Oki E,* Nakaji Y, Tsutsumi S, Ono N, Nakanishi R, Sugiyama M, Nakashima Y, Sonoda H, Ohgaki K, Yamashita N, Saeki H, Okano S, Kitao H, Morita M, Oda Y, Maehara Y. High expression of the Notch ligand Jagged-1 is associated with poor prognosis after surgery for colorectal cancer. Cancer Sci, 107 (11), 1705-1716, 2016, IF: 4.89, PMID: 27589478.
  • Liao J, Marumoto T, Yamaguchi S, Okano S, Takeda N, Sakamoto C, Kawano H, Nii T, Miyamato S, Nagai Y, Okada M, Inoue H, Kawahara K, Suzuki A, Miura Y, Tani K.* Inhibition of PTEN Tumor Suppressor Promotes the Generation of Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells. Mol Ther, 21(6), 1242-50, 2013, IF: 8.40, PMID: 23568261.
  • Okano S,* Yonemitsu Y, Shirabe K, Kakeji Y, Maehara Y, Harada M, Yoshikai Y, Inoue M, Hasegawa M, Sueishi K. Provision of continuous maturation signaling to dendritic cells by RIG-I-stimulating cytosolic RNA synthesis of Sendai virus. J Immunol, 186 (3), 1828-1839, 2011, IF: 4.34, PMID: 21187441.
  • Chou B, Hiromatsu K,* Okano S, Ishii K, Duan X, Sakai T, Murata S, Tanaka K, Himeno K. Antiangiogenic tumor therapy by DNA vaccine inducing aquaporin-1-specific CTL based on ubiquitin-proteasome system in mice. J Immunol, 189 (4), 1618-1626, 2012, IF: 4.34, PMID: 22802414.
  • Fukuhara T,* Taketomi A, Okano S, Ikegami T, Soejima Y, Shirabe K, Maehara Y. Mutations in hepatitis C virus genotype 1b and the sensitivity of interferon-ribavirin therapy after liver transplantation. J Hepatol, 52 (5), 672-680, 2010, IF: 20.58) PMID: 20346532.
  • Kayashima H, Toshima T, Okano S,* Taketomi A, Harada N, Yamashita Y, Tomita Y, Shirabe K, Maehara Y. Intratumoral neoadjuvant immunotherapy using IL-12 and dendritic cells is an effective strategy to control recurrence of murine hepatocellular carcinoma in immunosuppressed mice. J Immunol, 185 (1), 698-708, 2010, IF: 4.34, PMID: 20498356.
  • Iwai T, Tomita Y,* Okano S, Shimizu I, Yasunami Y, Kajiwara T, Yoshikai Y, Taniguchi M, Nomoto K, Yasui H. Regulatory roles of NKT cells in the induction and maintenance of cyclophosphamide-induced tolerance. J Immunol, 177 (12), 8400-8409, 2006, IF: 4.34, PMID: 17142737.
  • Nagata S, Okano S,* Yonemitsu Y, Nakagawa K, Tomita Y, Yoshikai Y, Shimada M, Maehara Y, Sueishi K. Critical roles of memory T cells and antidonor immunoglobulin in rejection of allogeneic bone marrow cells in sensitized recipient mice. Transplantation, 82 (5), 689-698, 2006, IF: 4.16, PMID: 16969294.
  • Shikada Y, Yonemitsu Y,* Koga T, Onimaru M, Nakano T, Okano S, Sata S, Nakagawa K, Yoshino I, Maehara Y, Sueishi K. Platelet-derived growth factor-AA is an essential and autocrine regulator of vascular endothelial growth factor expression in non-small cell lung carcinomas. Cancer Res, 65 (16), 7241-7248, 2005, IF: 9.72, PMID: 16103075.
  • Minagawa R, Okano S,* Tomita Y, Kishihara K, Yamada H, Nomoto K, Shimada M, Maehara Y, Sugimachi K, Yoshikai Y, Nomoto K. The critical role of Fas-Fas ligand interaction in donor-specific transfusion-induced tolerance to H-Y antigen. Transplantation, 78 (6) 799-806, 2004, IF: 4.16, PMID: 15385797.
  • Tsutsumi N, Yonemitsu Y,* Shikada Y, Onimaru M, Tanii M, Okano S, Kaneko K, Hasegawa M, Hashizume M, Maehara Y, Sueishi K. Essential role of PDGFRalpha-p70S6K signaling in mesenchymal cells during therapeutic and tumor angiogenesis in vivo: role of PDGFRalpha during angiogenesis. Circ Res, 94 (9), 1186-1194, 2004, IF: 10.57, PMID: 15059936.
  • Okano S,* Yonemitsu Y, Nagata S, Sata S, Onimaru M, Nakagawa K, Tomita Y, Kishihara K, Hashimoto S, Nakashima Y, Sugimachi K, Hasegawa M, Sueishi K. Recombinant Sendai virus vectors for activated T lymphocytes. Gene Ther, 10 (16), 1381-1391, 2003, IF: 3.65, PMID: 12883535.
  • Onimaru M, Yonemitsu Y,* Tanii M, Nakagawa K, Masaki I, Okano S, Ishibashi H, Shirasuna K, Hasegawa M, Sueishi K. Fibroblast growth factor-2 gene transfer can stimulate hepatocyte growth factor expression irrespective of hypoxia-mediated downregulation in ischemic limbs. Circ Res, 91 (10), 923-930, 2002, IF: 10.57, PMID: 12433837.
  • Okano S,* Eto M, Tomita Y, Yoshizumi T, Yamada H, Minagawa R, Nomoto K, Sugimachi K, Nomoto K. Cyclophosphamide-induced tolerance in rat orthotopic liver transplantation. Transplantation, 71 (3), 447-456, 2001, IF: 4.16, PMID: 11233909.