


  1. Inokuma T, Yamanouchi K, Tomonaga T, Miyazaki K, Hamasaki K, Hidaka M, Takatsuki M, Kanematsu T and Eguchi S: Curcumin improves the survival rate after a massive hepatectomy in rats. Hepatogastroenterology 59(119): 2243-2247, 2012
  2. Inokuma T, Haraguchi M, Fujita F, Torashima Y, and Eguchi S: Suppression of reactive oxygen species develops lymph node metastasis in colorectal cancer. Hepatogastroenterology 59(120): 2480-2483, 2012
  3. Kitasato A, Adachi T, Inokuma T, Tajima Y, Kanematsu T, Kuroki T: Laparoscopic middle pancreatectomy under a pancreatic duct-navigation surgery. Hepatogastroenterology 59(120): 2400-2402, 2012
  4. Yamanouchi K, Takatsuki M, Hidaka M, Soyama A, Miyazaki K, Inokuma T, Muraoka I, Kanematsu T, Eguchi S: Changes in quality of life after hepatectomy and living donor liver transplantation. Hepatogastroenterology 59(117): 1569-1572, 2012
  5. Yamanouchi K, Eguchi S, Takatsuki M, Kamohara Y, Hidaka M, Miyazaki K, Inokuma T, Tajima Y, Kanematsu T: Management of cytomegalovirus infection after living donor liver transplantation. Hepatogastroenterology 59(113): 231-234, 2012
  6. Toyoda K, Tsutsumi K, Hirao T, Ono T, Takahata H, Toda K, Baba H, Ito M, Yonekura M. Ruptured intracranial aneurysms in pediatric polyarteritis nodosa: case report. Neurol Med Chir (Tokyo). 52(12): 928-32, 2012
  7. Hanschen M, Tajima G, O’leary F, Hoang K, Ikeda K, Lederer JA: Phospho-flow cytometry based analysis of differences in T cell receptor signaling between regulatory T cells and CD4+ T cells. J Immunol Methods 376 (28): 1-12, 2012
  8. Matsushima A, Tasaki O, Shimazu T, Asari S, Kimura K, Sakata T, Sugimoto H: Potential usefukness of the polymerase chain reaction test to detect pathogens causing sepsis. Jornal of  Medical Microbiology & Diagnosis 1: 106, 2012
  9. Osuka A, Shimizu K, Ogura H, Tasaki O, Hamasaki T, Asahara T, Nomoto K, Morotomi M, Kuwagata Y, Shimazu T:Prognostic impact of pH in critical ill patients. Crit Care 16(4): R119, 2012
  10. Hirose T, Hamaguchi S, Matsumoto N, Irisawa T, Seki M, Tasaki O, Hosotsubo H, Tomono K, Shimazu T: Dynamic changes in the expression of neutrophil extracellular traps in acute respiratory infections. Am J Respir Crit Care Med. 185(10): 1130-1131, 2012


  1. 山野修平,田﨑 修,長谷敦子,中村 元,藤中俊之,東 丈雄,嶋津岳士:64列MDCTAによる鈍的頭頸部血管損傷のスクリーニング.日本救急医学会雑誌23(3): 83-91, 2012
  2. 氏福健太,福田修志,豊田啓介,畑地 豪,中尾健次郎,中嶋秀樹,立石洋平,馬場史郎,猪熊孝実,浅原智彦,山下和範,林健太郎,余縄雅彦,陶山一彦,長谷敦子,澄川耕二,永田 泉:長崎大学病院救命救急センター設立前後における脳神経外科救急の動向. Neurosurgical Emergency 17(1): 8-14, 2012
  3. 長谷敦子:気管挿管. 救急医学 36(4): 382-384, 2012
  4. 馬場史郎,田﨑 修:頭頸部外傷. 救急医学 36(1): 54-57, 2012
  5. 山野修平,田﨑 修:感染症治療におけるチーム医療. 救急医学 36(6): 677-680, 2012
  6. 長谷敦子: 応急手当(first aid)の指針(岡元和文(編):救急・集中治療 最新ガイドライン2012~’13,総合医学社,東京,pp.4-6所収)2012
  7. 田﨑 修: 酸欠症(前川和彦,相川直樹(編):今日の救急診療指針,医学書院,東京,pp762-766所収) 2012


  1. 田﨑 修,井上健一郎,草野栄郷:長崎大学病院救命救急センター開設前後における長崎地域の救急患者搬送状況. 長崎救急医療白書 33-38, 2012