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  2. Kushimoto S, Taira Y, Kitazawa Y, Okuchi K, Sakamoto T, Ishikura H, Endo T, Yamanouchi S, Tagami T, Yamaguchi J, Yoshikawa K, Sugita M, Kase Y, Kanemura T, Takahashi H, Kuroki Y, Izumino H, Rinka H, Seo R, Takatori M, Kaneko T, Nakamura T, Irahara T, Saito N, Watanabe A; The PiCCO Pulmonary Edema Study Group: The clinical usefulness of extravascular lung water and pulmonary vascular permeability index to diagnose and characterize pulmonary edema: a prospective multicenter study on the quantitative differential diagnostic definition for acute lung injury/acute respiratory distress syndrome. Crit Care 16(6): R232, 2012
  3. Kushimoto S, Endo T, Yamanouchi S, Sakamoto T, Ishikura H, Kitazawa Y, Taira Y, Okuchi K, Tagami T, Watanabe A, Yamaguchi J, Yoshikawa K, Sugita M, Kase Y, Kanemura T, Takahashi H, Kuroki Y, Izumino H, Rinka H, Seo R, Takatori M, Kaneko T, Nakamura T, Irahara T, Saito N; the PiCCO Pulmonary Edema Study Group: Relationship between extravascular lung water and severity categories of acute respiratory distress syndrome by the Berlin definition. Crit Care 17(4): R132, 2013
  4. Hamaguchi S, Hirose T, Akeda Y, Matsumoto N, Irisawa T, Seki M, Hosotsubo H, Tasaki O, Oishi K, Shimazu T, Tomono K: Identification of neutrophil extracellular traps in the blood of patients with systemic inflammatory response syndrome. Journal of International Medical Research 41(1): 162-168, 2013
  5. Shimizu K, Ogura H, Asahara T, Nomoto K, Morotomi M, Tasaki O, Matsushima A, Kuwagata Y, Shimazu T, Sugimoto H: Probiotic/Synbiotic Therapy for Treating Critically Ill Patients from a Gut Microbiota Perspective. Digestive Diseases and Sciences 58(1): 23-32, 2013
  6. Tateishi Y, Tsujino A, Hamabe J, Tasaki O, Morikawa M, Horie N, Hayashi K, Nagata I: Measurement of Carotid Stenosis Using Duplex Ultrasonography with a Microconvex Array Transducer: A Validation with Cerebral Angiography. Journal of Stroke and Cerebrovascular Diseases 22(8): e360-e365, 2013
  7. Wada D, Nakamori Y, Yamakawa K, Yoshikawa Y, Kiguchi T, Tasaki O, Ogura H, Kuwagata Y, Shimazu T, Hamasaki T, Fujimi S: Impact on survival of whole-body computed tomography before emergency bleeding control in patients with severe blunt trauma. Critical Care 17:R178, 2013
  8. Nakagawa J, Tasaki O, Watanabe Y, Azuma T, Ohnishi M, Ukai I, Tahara K, Ogura H, Kuwagata Y, Hamasaki T, Shimazu T: Reduction of thoracic aorta motion artifact with high-pitch 128-slice dual-source computed tomographic angiography: a historical control study. J Comput Assist Tomogr 37(5):755-759, 2013
  9. Muroya T, Ogura H, Shimizu K, Tasaki O, Kuwagata Y, Fuse T, Nakamori Y, Ito Y, Hino H, Shimazu T: Delayed formation of splenic pseudoaneurysm following nonoperative management in blunt splenic injury: multi-institutional study in Osaka, Japan. J Trauma Acute Care Surg 75(3):417-420, 2013
  10. Irisawa T, Iwami T, Kitamura T, Nishiyama C, Sakai T, Tanigawa-Sugihara K, Hayashida S, Nishiuchi T, Shiozaki T, Tasaki O, Kawamura T, Hiraide A, Shimazu T: An association between systolic blood pressure and stroke among patients with impaired consciousness in out-of-hospital emergency settings. BMC Emergency Medicine13: 24, 2013
  11. Hirose T, Matsumoto N, Tasaki O, Nakamura H, Akagi F, Shimazu T: Delayed progression of edema formation around a hematoma expressing high levels of VEGF and MMP-9 in a patient with traumatic brain injury: Case report. Neurol Med Chir(Tokyo) 53: 609-612, 2013
  12. Tanaka Y, Hirao T, Tsutsumi K, Miyashita T, Izumi Y, Mihara Y, Ito M, Baba H, Migita K: A case of apoplectic lymphocytic hypophysitis complicated by polymyalgia rheumatica. Rheumatol Int 33(1): 215-218, 2013
  13. Morofuji Y, Tsutsumi K, Takahata H, Kawahara I, Hirao T, Toda K, Baba H: Radiological findings of orbital infarction syndrome following intracranial aneurysm surgery. Clin Neurol Neurosurg 15(8): 1546-1548, 2013


  1. 林 健太郎, 立石洋平, 平尾朋仁, 堀江信貴, 出雲 剛, 辻野 彰, 永田 泉: 脳神経外科診療におけるポケットサイズ超音波診断装置の有用性. 神経超音波医学 26(1): 4-7, 2013
  2. 安藝敬生, 樋口則英, 中川博雄, 中村忠博, 田﨑修, 槇田徹次, 北原隆志, 佐々木均: 救急・集中治療におけるバンコマイシン(VCM)血中濃度管理への専任薬剤師の関与. 日本臨床救急医学会雑誌 16: 565-569, 2013
  3. 廣瀬 智也, 清水 健太郎, 小倉 裕司, 山野 修平, 大西 光雄, 鍬方 安行, 嶋津 岳士:急性肝不全症例におけるアミノ酸分析の検討. 外科と代謝・栄養47(2)53-61, 2013
  4. 上木智博,猪熊孝実,田﨑修:緊急輸血の安全対策.救急医学 37(12): 1709-1713, 2013
  5. 藤田靖子, 長谷敦子, 田﨑修:輸血療法開始の基準. 救急医学 37(12): 1693-1697, 2013
  6. 泉野浩生:【消化態栄養剤による栄養療法-各種病態における使い方の実際】救急/集中治療における早期経腸栄養 重症外傷に対する急性期栄養管理. 臨床栄養 123(5): 593-599, 2013
  7. 山下和範, 長谷敦子, 田﨑修:DMAT教育. 蘇生 32(2): 88-90, 2013
  8. 濱邊順平, 辻野彰, 立石洋平, 堀江信貴, 林健太郎, 田崎修, 川上純, 永田泉:急性期無症候性脳梗塞を合併した高血圧緊急症の2症例. 長崎医学会雑誌 88(2): 137-141, 2013


  1. 高橋国宏、田﨑修:気道熱傷の治療.(田中裕(編):熱傷治療マニュアル,中外医学社,東京,pp.162-166所収)2013
  2. 田﨑 修:動脈穿刺・カテーテル留置法,観血的血圧測定法.(山口徹,北原光夫,福井次矢(編):今日の治療指針 私はこう治療している 2013,医学書院,東京,pp98所収) 2013


  1. 泉野浩生:脱水症から身体を守る. そよかぜ 第88号 平成25年夏
  2. 朝野和典, 石井良和,萱場広之,田﨑修:院内感染症の最前線 院内感染症予防の最前線.呼吸 32(6): 506-514, 2013